“Do you do well to be angry for the plant?” This was the question Job asked to Jonah. Jonah was upset that a plant that had grown overnight to provide him shade had died. Jonah was upset that a plant died and even more upset that God had spared the people of Nineveh. He had more compassion on the plant than he did the people.
Unfortunately, there are many people in the world who care more for plants than people. As Christians that should never be the case. At the same time, people confuse our care for hate. People hate the fact that we want to tell others that they need to trust Jesus. In fact, this is the most caring thing we can do. The reason is some people believe that Christianity is like every other religion, we just have to follow the rules set out and become good people and care about one another. The problem is that Christianity is not about relying on your ability to follow the rules, but Jesus’.